Friday, February 7, 2014

That Horrible Feeling

To tell you the truth, I don’t think I've ever grown up. Not really. It’s more like I've watched the world grow up, and they don’t want to play anymore.

When I was little, about five years old, I asked my mom to play horses with me (dolls were overrated). She played with me for two minutes, and then looked into the distance with a glazed expression. I snapped my fingers in front of her face with annoyance and folded my arms.

“I asked you to play with me. Why aren't you?”

She looked at me and shrugged.

“I’m sorry, but when you’re an adult you don’t play with toys.”


I was aghast. The very notion was beyond my ability to understand. Why would anyone not play? It must be very dull, being an adult.

And on that day I decided to never grow up. Of course, time has a way of changing our minds. Now that I look on childhood, there were pros and cons. Now I have the ability to make adults listen to me. My thoughts and opinions can matter. That gift is precious, and I wouldn't go back to childhood because of that. Just don’t get too serious. Life is too short for that. Laugh like children do, create like children do, and surprise yourself like children do. Your inner child will thank you for it.

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